In a world where social pressures are always on, where calm and confidence are hard to access, and where perseverance is a required superpower every day, our kids are growing in new environments that are demanding more from them, and therefore more from us. In these particularly difficult times, it is important as parents, coaches and educators that we encourage our kids and teens to talk through any concerns, fears and anxieties they may be feeling, as we strive to inspire them to face these challenges head-on.
Providing experiences that are just as fun as they are meaningful
Our caring coaches empower kids so they feel excited to grow, safe to fail, and better equipped for whatever comes their way next. Through fun and meaningful programs, our coaches introduce participants to STAR:
STOP and take a deep breath.
When you face a challenge in life, the first step in deciding how to overcome it is to STOP what you are doing or what you are getting ready to do. This allows you to pause and gives your mind a break.
THINK of all your choices.
The next step in good decision-making is to THINK of your choices. What are some of the choices you have in this situation? Take time to think of as many choices as possible.
ANTICIPATE what could happen.
The third step is to ANTICIPATE the consequences (good or bad) of each choice. When you anticipate the consequences of each choice, think how the choice will affect your ability to reach your goals.
RESPOND by selecting the best choice.
After you have identified all your choices and you have anticipated the consequences of each choice, the final step is to RESPOND by picking the best choice. What makes something the best choice? The best choice is the one that helps you get to your goal. What one person considers the best choice may differ from what another thinks is best.
Empowering kids and teens through a lifetime of new challenges is at the heart of First Tee. With programs in all 50 states and select international locations, First Tee provides active learning experiences for youth that help build their inner strength, self-confidence and resilience. First Tee impacts more than 3.4 million youth each year, helping to strengthen their character through the game of golf.