Responsibility: How Youth Can Apply it on the Course and at Home

Golf requires more than a good swing; it takes personal responsibility. Junior golfers must learn to be accountable for their own actions and be dependable. Each person to keep their own score, understand the rules, take care of their equipment, repair divots and rake bunkers. As youth progress through the program, they demonstrate even greater initiative and personal accountability.

Responsibility ON THE GOLF COURSE

Playing golf is about more than learning the basics of a golf swing. Succeeding in golf also means showing consideration to the course and other players.

On the golf course, junior golfers can practice Responsibility by:

  1. responsibility_bunkerKeeping accurate score
  2. Repairing divots
  3. Raking bunkers
  4. Repairing ball marks on the green
  5. Keeping up with the pace of play

Responsibility AT HOME OR IN SCHOOL

At The First Tee, our goal is to help youth take the skills they learn on the golf course and bridge these skills to life. We encourage parents and guardians to reinforce these values in everyday life, off the course. Coaches encourage kids and teens to practice this core value at home, at school or out in the community.

Here are 3 Ways Junior Golfers can Apply Responsibility Off The Course:


  1. At home, remember to pick up your room and do your chores without being told.
  2. Turn in your homework or projects whenever your teachers tell you they are due.
  3. Wherever you are, always leave things better than you found them.


Golf is so much more than a game. Our programs use golf as a way to help your child learn how to set goals, resolve conflicts, develop leadership skills and more—all while having fun! With more than 1,200 locations, The First Tee offers programs to youth from all backgrounds and no golf experience needed! If you know a young person who would enjoy The First Tee, visit our locations map to find a local chapter! Chapter Locations